International Students Welcome!

  • School Events
  • Library

School Events

The 2018 Spring Semester is here! Classes start on January 29th and end on May 17th.

*New Semester student orientation is on Thursday, the 25th, starting at 6pm.

This would be a good time to complete your registration, pay tuition, and discuss with professors and staff about any concerns you might have, including questions about the upcoming semester or your student visa status.

Come join us for a relaxed evening with food and company, connect with fellow students and faculty, and welcome new students.

If you have any other inquiries or requests, please contact us by email or call the office at 323-998-0166.

2018 AEU School of Business Academic Calendar

Date Events
01/08/2018 - 01/11/2018 Spring Registration
01/29/2018 new Student Orientation & Faculty Day
01/29/2018 Spring Semester
03/15/2018 Bible Comprehension Test
05/14/2018 - 05/17/2018 Final Examination Week
05/14/2018 - 05/17/2018 Summer-Fall registration
05/24/2018 Graduation general Exam
06/02/2018 16th Commencement
07/02/2018 - 07/19/2018 Summer Intensive Session
08/23/2018 new Student Orientation & faculty Day
08/27/2018 Fall semester
09/03/2018 Labor Day
11/15/2018 Bible Comprehension Test
11/21/2018 - 11/24/2018 Thanksgiving Week
12/10/2018 - 12/13/2018 Final Examination Week
12/10/2018 - 12/13/2018 Winter-Spring Registration

City Events

Upcoming events happening around LA City

There are many events in and around LA.
Bring your student identification card (student ID card) from our school for a discount.

Students Profile


AEU school of Business University Library provides scholarly materials to support for student research with outstanding collections of wide range of prints and digital resources.

Korean Library / English Library / DVD Collections and Digital Viewing Rooms Books, Articles, Journals, Special Collections and Archives

Lending policy

  1. All borrowers are required to fill out a library user application form
  2. All borrowers must show a library card with student ID (for students) to check out books.
  3. Books are loaned for a 2 weeks period. Patrons may have a maximum of 10 items checked out at one time.
  4. The overdue fine for circulating books is 25 cents a week.
  5. Renewals can be made once unless another patron requests them.
  6. Reference books and periodicals cannot be checked out.
  7. The reserve shelf is located behind the circulation desk.
    The material is loaned for a 2 hour period and must be used in the library.
    Reserve items may be checked-out overnight, but they cannot leave the library until a half hour before closing and must be returned within a half hour after the library opens the following day.
  8. Those borrowers who lose or severely damage a library book will be charged the replacement value ($ 10.00 minimum) or need to bring in a new book of the same title.

Monday - Friday 10:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Saturday and Lord’s Day closed
Hours vary during unscheduled breaks, final week, summer sessions,and vacation periods.
Library will be closed on following days:
- Federal Holidays (New year’s Day, Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas)
- When the school building is closed.

Photocopies and copies made on the microfilm reader-printer and CD-ROM printer are all ten cents per page

Library Rules

  1. Unnecessary or excessive noise, or any disruptive behavior will not be permitted.
  2. Consumption of food or beverages is not allowed in the library.
  3. Do not re-shelve library materials. Return books to the book cart.
  4. Periodicals must be returned to the original place.
  5. All the library users must have their bags or books checked at the circulation desk.
  6. Due to the closing library duties, please have your books checked out or renewed 10 minutes before closing.
  7. Persons not complying with these policies can be asked to leave.